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    TZT Wilbring GmbH

    Solmsstr. 77-81


    +49 2561 9822-0

    For leaving a deep impression The constantly increasing number of materials that can be printed always makes new demands on printing technology. That is why that our services connected to rotogravure printing are variable or complete - from the raw body to the finished cylinder, from the new product to repair. What you get depends only on what you need. We master the manufacture and reconditioning of rotogravure cylinders like only few others do. Well known illustration printing companies and packaging- , decorative surface- , flexo- and also wallpaper- and textile printers, and other industrial enterprises from all over the world, belong to our customers. There are good reasons for this trust. The TZT Wilbring GmbH covers almost the whole typographical range of rotogravure printing. Even very small rollers with a diameter of 70 mm and a minimum facelength of one 100 mm can be manufactured, of course. We also deal with diameters of 600 mm and a facelength of up to 5.150 mm with a maximum total length of 6.000 mm.

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